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Author : René Bonvanie
Sales & Marketing
René Bonvanie
Six Elements of Pipeline: Radically Rethinking the Role of Marketing…
Too many GTM efforts in B2B companies are focused on leads and pipeline creation, causing…
Infrastructure Software
René Bonvanie, Mich...
Password Management Goes Open-Source, and into the Enterprise: Our Investment…
Battery initially invested in Bitwarden*, an open-source, password-management platform, in the company’s Series A financing…
René Bonvanie
Modern Demand Management
In my recent blog post “What PLG means to marketing” I proposed a growth formula…
Infrastructure Software
René Bonvanie
Securing the “Internet of Medical Things”—Our Latest Investment in Ordr
Six years ago, I met the founding team of what is today Ordr*, a leading…
Must Reads
Dharmesh Thakker, Re...
Remote Work Is Here to Stay—But Can It Be Secure…
Tell us if this happened to you: After nearly two years of toiling at home…
Sales & Marketing
René Bonvanie
What PLG means to marketing
As with many acronyms, and probably even more so in the marketing domain, the illusion…
Infrastructure Software
Danel Dayan, René B...
From Code to Cloud: Security Themes for 2022 and Beyond
Last year was a brisk one for many B2B tech companies, with valuations soaring, and…
Infrastructure Software
Dharmesh Thakker, Re...
Authentication and Authorization, Post-Auth0: Styra* and Extending Identity to All…
The recent, $6.5 billion acquisition of identity and authentication startup Auth0 by Okta put a…